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Tourist web-site: tour guide in Russia and abroad
for independent bagpacking travelers around the world.
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Tourist web-site: tour guide in Russia and abroad for independent bagpacking travelers around the world. Tourism news in Russian and English, Russian business travel, articles and essays about traveling, up-to-date information about holiday destinations and resorts in Russia and abroad, rent of apartments, hotels, mini-hotels, short-term rent, car journey, value car rent.
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Video news
Saint Peter's Basilica Rome Italy
Versailles, Paris
Nik Wallendas Walk Across America
Sailing to Your Dreams
Typhoon Morakot Strikes Taiwan

It's important!

Historical hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg
In Moscow and St. Petersburg, cities rich in architectural monuments, important historical events and great historical figures, one may find some hotels marked with the seal of historical glory.

A deluxe Hotel in Moscow City and a hostel in St. Petersburg
Hotels of Abu Dhabi loosing their stars, Pamela Anderson is going to build a hotel in Montenegro, they are opening a new hotel in El Guna, and what new is about hotel business in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

Video presentations
Nevsky hotel Moyka 5, Saint-Petersburg
Cruises «Vodohod - Saint-Petersburg»
Mini-hotel "Private Business Hotel Suzor", Saint-Petersburg


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11.08.09. Fire in Paris
10.08.09. Siberian bus crash
Tourism news, recreation news, Russian business travel, articles and essays about traveling, up-to-date information about holiday destinations and resorts in Russia and abroad, rent of apartments, hotels, mini-hotels, short-term rent, car journey, value car rent.


Tourist web-site: news in Russian, events in Russia, recreation news, car journey, rent value car, bagpacking, rent of apartments, hotels, mini-hotels, short-term rent
Individual rest, VIP-tourism, extreme journeys © 2007